Credit Insight On-Demand Platform

A better understanding of the relationship between risk and price

Introducing Credit Insight On-Demand platform

Modern organisations’ understanding of risk is being transformed by the combined effects of increases in the amount and type of data available, advances in analytics and changing customer behaviours. 
However, many organisations, lack the scale and financial resources to be able to support in-house analytics and data science expertise along with the most up to decisioning software. 
As a result, these organisations are restricted in their ability to simultaneously achieve top line revenue growth AND reduced bottom line cost and losses. 

Experian is committed to helping provide businesses of all sizes improve decisioning accuracy and speed. As a result, we are now making available on-demand access for less mature organisations to the same proven decisioning capabilities that are used by leading providers of credit around the world.

Credit Insight On-Demand is an easy to use, cost effective service that helps organisations gain a deeper understanding the relationship between risk and price by making faster, more accurate customer decisions without the need to develop and maintain an integrated analytics decisioning infrastructure. 

The benefits of Credit Insight On-Demand

  • Increased decisioning speed and accuracy helps ensure increased competitiveness with more mature organisations
  • Easily actioned decisioning outputs tailored to reflect your requirements
  • Accesses pre-defined, best practice models optimized for the specific product and market
  • Specific model for use with data from Central Credit Register
  • Avoids capital expenditure - Experian is responsible for all decisioning and analytics infrastructure
  • No requirement for ongoing maintenance
  • Easy to access service backed by fast implementation process
  • On demand model ensures service level accurately reflect your needs, budgets and available resources
  • Services can evolve to reflect changing requirements – easy upgrades, adding more services or niche solutions to meet specific needs

The Approach


Our CREDIT INSIGHT ON-DEMAND PLATFORM enables organisations to better understand individual customer risk and make faster more accurate decisions. It combines data driven insights with best practice eligibility rules for popular financial products, to provide on-demand customer decisioning outputs through a highly cost-effective model.

In this way organisations are able to directly access Experian’s speed, scale and innovation without the need for significant capital investment.

The service can meet your needs for enhanced decisioning accuracy across the lifecycle regarding either individual consumers or small and medium sized business enterprises (SMEs).

Discover how you can update your credit application process and protect your business from risk with Credit Insight On-Demand

How does it work

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Advanced Analytics – Discover More

Credit Insight on Demand

Fast, accurate on demand decisions across the customer lifecycle 

Taking decisions in uncertain times with Credit Insights On-Demand

Discover how to  respond to the current market challenges, meet customers’ digital expectations  and protect your business at the same time. 

Web data insights for SMEs

Web data insights for SMEs - Optimising non-traditional data to improve credit risk decisioning

Intelligent solutions

Use advanced analytics to achieve better customer results

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